
How do we create a Web page?
You must send a message to info@infonet.ca to request a directory which will be your site name (http://www.infonet.ca/your directory). Afterwards, you can include the number of pages that you want (maximum 10MB) using FTP utilities (WS-FTP or CuteFTP ).  Your first Web page must be named « index.html » or « home.html ».

All the other HTML pages than you will add afterwards must be named differently. Do not forget to link and transfer all the pictures and multimedia files in your personal directory.

Can we use CGI scripts?

Does ATM InfoNet Technologies support PHP?
If a client wishes to install PHP, they must choose the Co-Location package. See the colocation section under Services for additional information.

How can we obtain FTP utilities?
You can obtain FTP utilities for your operating system with some search tools. We recommend  WS-FTP or CuteFTP.

How do we create an FTP?
Here are the parameters you must enter :

  • FTP server: ftp.yourdomain.com
  • Host type: Automatic Detect
  • FTP & explicit FTPS port: 21
  • FTP Username: yourusername@yourdomain.com
  • FTP Password: yourpassword

Once connected, you will automatically be in your directory.

How do we modify our own Web page?
Modifying your web pages is as easy as creating them. Once you have modified your files on your personal computer and assured that everything is as desired, you simply have to upload (with an FTP utilities ex. : FileZilla or CoreFTP or Cyberduck for Mac) the new file with the same name as the modified file.

What kind of pictures can we include in our Web page?
The pictures you want to present in your page must be GIF or JPEG type. If your pictures are not of this type, you must convert them with utilities such as Paint Shop Pro. For the Mac users, it is not sufficient to add the extention .gif or .jpeg to your file name, you must be certain that the picture is a GIF or a JPEG/JPG. Some plug-in extensions for Photoshop are avalaible to export GIF pictures.

How can we convert pictures into digital images for our Web page?
Some stores with photocopy and impression services offer the scanner services as well.  Internet cafés and certain computer stores also offer this type of service.

If I cancel before my billing period ends, will I receive a refund?
The user can cancel or change his account anytime without fee. However, the user must advise ATM InfoNet Technologies 30 days in advance. This cancellation is only valid at the end of the running invoice and credits will not be issued.

What are our payment options?

ATM InfoNet Technologies offers two practical methods of payment:
  • Paypal
  • Interac e-Transfer
  • Pre-Authorized Debits (PADs)
NOTE: ATM InfoNet Technologies sends the invoices via email on a monthly basis.

Is there an installation fee or a setup fee?
No!  ATM InfoNet Technologies offers the installation at no cost and provides the Installation Guide for all OS (Operating Systems) for futur references.  However, if the user needs assistance to re-configure his computer or setup another computer, there will be a 15.00$ applicable service fee.

How will I know if there are changes to the service? How will I know if there are rate changes?
ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. reserves the right to modify their rates and policies at any time.  However, ATM InfoNet Technologies sends notices to all clients via email concerning any changes.

How do we go about becoming an ATM InfoNet Technologies customer?
The first step would be to reach us at 819.777.7WEB(7932) in order to create your account for a new email or web hosting (www.yoursite.com),  this whole process usually takes no longer than 10 minutes.

How can we cancel our account?
You must send a message to invoice.info@infonet.ca . The user must advise InfoNet 10 days in advance. This cancellation process becomes official at the end of the actual invoicing period. In this message, do not forget to mention your username.