
 Our policy

All ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. users must agree and respect the rules below when they make use of our Internet services.


  • If we see that a user is using our services in an inappropriate way, we will immediately disconnect the user.

  • If a user needs to be re-configured, a $15.00 fee will be charged. This fee will be on your following invoice.

  • The user cannot perform any illegal activities or all other activities that can disturb other users.

  • The user must respect all the rules and etiquette of the internet. ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. is not responsible for any damages that can be caused by using the network.

  • The user can cancel or change his account anytime without fee. However, the user must advise ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. 10 days in advance. This cancellation is only valid at the end of the running invoice.

  • Any attempts to access secret or personal information without authorization is forbidden.

  • Each user account must serve to only one connection to the Internet Network. If the user breaks this rule, a fee of $30.00 will be automatically charged on his bill. (only for unlimited accounts)

  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. is not responsible for lost of information due to service interruption.


  • The use of the e-mail for sending or receiving non-requested publicity-advertising mail is prohibited.

  • Sending excessive or repeated non-requested e-mail to one recipient is forbidden.

  • Sending threats by e-mail is forbidden.

  • Sending unsolicited e-mail using a ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. address or containing any reference to your ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. home page is prohibited.

  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. is not responsible for, and does not have any liability for any loss of data, profit, or business resulting from our deletion of any ATM InfoNet Technologies user's email(s).


  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. does not censor the content of the news that a user posts.

  • Sending large and repeated instances of the same message to different news groups is forbidden.

  • Sending continuous messages with no relation to the news groups is forbidden.

 Home page

  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. is not responsible for the content of any personal home page, and the opinions and views expressed in the home pages do not necessarily reflect those of ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. The content of the personal home pages are not reviewed in any way before they appear on the server.

  • Pornography, WAREZ and Spam are strictly forbidden.

  • Any material that violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of others is forbidden, including, without limitation, copyright or trademark rights; this includes "WAREZ" (copyrighted software that is distributed illegally), "mp3" files or copyrighted music, copyright photograph, text, video or artwork. If you don't own the copyright or the documented permission to use it, don't put it on your site at ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. will remove the pages of repeat infringes.

  • Any material that is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, or otherwise objectionable; including posting other people's private information is forbidden.

  • Any software, information, or other material that contains a virus, "Trojan Horse", corrupted data, or any other harmful or damaging component is forbidden.

  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. is not responsible for, and does not have any liability for any loss of data, profit, or business resulting from our deletion of any ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. user's page(s).

  • Do not use your web space for providing material that is grossly offensive to the Web community including blatant expression of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Promoting or providing instructional information about illegal activities, or promoting physical harm or injury against any group or individual.

  • ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. reserves the right to delete any page(s) that seems unacceptable for any reason without prior notice.

ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. needs to be able to verify your compliance with our politics. Accordingly, you agree that ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. will have the right to access your site at any time, without advance notice. If access to your site is restricted, whether by password or otherwise, you agree to provide ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. with the information required to access your site.

ATM InfoNet Technologies Inc. reserves the right to change or amend their politics at any time without prior notice.